Drupal 8 exchange rate Costa Rica

By pdevs_admin, 22 December, 2017

The module generates a form to calculate Costa Rica Colon (CRC) exchange rate vs United State Dollar (USD).
It will also generate a block so you can place the form in any Drupal region.
This module uses the exchange rates provided by Banco Central de Costa Rica. http://www.bccr.fi.cr/


Downloading compressed file:

Download the file, then put it in contrib modules folder and unpack.

Using composer:

You also can use composer to install the module, running the command composer require/exchange_rate_cr.

Once we have the module folder go to /admin/modules and enable it.

Now is ready to use.

How to use it.

Go to /admin/structure/block and place the block where you need it.

Now you should see the block:


Buy Rate, Sell Rate: Gives you the bank information about the rates.

Amount: Quantity to convert.

From: Currency that you have.

To: Currency that you need.

Now you can convert from colones to dollars or the other way around.

Meta Tags Serialize
{"title":{"tag":"meta","attributes":{"name":"title","content":"Drupal 8 exchange rate Costa Rica | ParallelDevs"}},"canonical_url":{"tag":"link","attributes":{"rel":"canonical","href":"https:\/\/cms.paralleldevs.com\/blog\/drupal-8-exchange-rate-costa-rica"}},"description":{"tag":"meta","attributes":{"name":"description","content":"The module generates a form to calculate Costa Rica Colon (CRC) exchange rate vs United State Dollar (USD).\nIt will also generate a block so you can place the form in any Drupal region."}}}